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  • Procurement Services
  • Onecard System
  • OneCard System

    The OneCard is an electronic "key" for access to campus buildings, a debit card for on-campus spending, and a Goucher library card.

    Goucher College has adopted a OneCard system to make getting around the campus community as quick and easy as possible. Every student receives a OneCard, which serves as a college identification, dining, and library card for all four years. It’s also each student’s key to the residence halls, the Sports and Recreation Center, and other campus facilities.

    To make it even more useful, we offer the Gopher Bucks spending account. Money deposited in this account can be used to buy textbooks at the Goucher Bookstore, stamps at the Post Office, or even medicine at the Health Center.  Gopher Bucks are accepted at campus vending facilities, copiers, and dining venues on campus.

    Depositing money in a Gopher Bucks account is a great way to make sure your student can consolidate and manage finances throughout the year — and always get what they need. With Gopher Bucks, there are no credit card charges or interest applied to your purchases. There’s no chance of overdrawing the account, and no need to carry cash around campus.

    Estimate of Semester Expenses

    To help you determine your student’s Gopher Bucks needs, we’ve provided a list of estimated expenses for one semester, along with locations that currently accept Gopher Bucks.

    Books $570
    Health Services $15
    Photocopies $40
    Post Office $50
    School Supplies $125|
    Snacks / Additional Meals $150
    Vehicle Registration $50 per semester
    TOTAL  = $1,000

    How to deposit money into a student OneCard account

    In order to deposit money directly into a student account:

    1. Go to the OneCard website
    2. click on Make A Deposit
    3. Input the students OneCard ID number, your credit card information, the amount of deposit, and your contact information.
    4. Once you have completed the transactions, the funds are immediately deposited into the student account.

    You can also receive detailed information 24/7 regarding the students OneCard expenditures and balance. The student must grant you access to their OneCard account (see Grant Someone Access to Your OneCard Account section below).

    Grant someone access to your OneCard account

    To grant others access to your OneCard account, follow the steps below:

    1. Log into the OneCard website using your Goucher College login and password.
    2. Click on Grant Additional Access.
    3. Enter the email addresses for up to four individuals.
    4. Once you complete the granting access process, the other party will will receive an email with their own secure Login and Password.
    5. The other party will then be able to deposit Gopher Bucks into your account using their VISA, MasterCard, or an American Express card. Gopher Buck deposits can be made 24/7.

    These are the only methods for making a deposit to a student’s account using a credit card. Please note that you cannot withdraw cash from the Gopher Buck account, and any unspent Gopher Bucks carry over to the next semester or academic year. Gopher Buck balances exceeding $10 will be refunded upon withdrawal or graduation.

    Remember that accessing the OneCard site will allow you to check the students Gopher Bucks deposits, purchases, and balance.

    New Students

    New students will receive instructions and information during the on-boarding process as well as from their assigned First-year Mentor (FYM) about the OneCard.

    OneCards will be distributed by the Office of Campus Safety at New Student Orientation.

    On Campus Locations

    Advantages of the OneCard

    Safety - Because money is deposited directly in your account, there's no need to carry large amounts of cash on campus.

    Simplicity - Use your OneCard as you would a debit card to make purchases easily and efficiently.

    Security - Your OneCard includes your picture to prevent unauthorized use of the card.

    Savings - The OneCard is free, and there are no fees for use of the card or for any type of transaction.

    OneCard Online

    The OneCard website is available for students (and employees) to make deposits or view account activity. For example:

    If you have questions, please email your inquiry to

    Lost or stolen cards may be reported 24/7 to the Department of Safety and Security in Heubeck Hall at 410-337-6112.